About Imbeke Trust
The Charitable Trust Imbeke is established by deed signed in Nairobi on 3rd April 2014. The stamped deed is registered under “The Registry of Documents in Nairobi by the registrar on 19th May in Volume D1Folio 134/2048 and file MMXIV”
To train and educate teenage mothers, girls who dropped out from school and young and vulnerable women in activities such as tailoring, agriculture, horticulture, food and beverage courses, catering etc. so as to improve their livelihood.
To build and operate a training centre for teenage mothers, girls who dropped out from school, young and vulnerable women and the underpriviledged who for whatever reason could not enjoy education and or training.
To educate and rehabilitate young girls, teenage mothers and women on self-confidence, self-esteem, parenting, relationships, health, social, vocational communication skills among other general skills.
To provide in Oyugis a centre to conduct social, educational cultural and community development and religious programmes trough lecture, demonstrations, seminars, workshops, conferences, meetingsor classes for the benefit of teenage mothers, young vulnerable women and girls who have dropped out of school.
Or such other charitable purposes of a public character established solely for the purposes of the relief of poverty or distress of the public or for the advancement of religion or education as the Trustees may from time to time in their absolute discretion think fit.
Management OF THE TRUST
The management of the Trust is in the hands of five trustees of which Mrs. Redemptah Sophie A. Otieno is the Managing Trustee and Director.